Greenfield will chair the International Workshop on Software Factories at
OOPSLA in San Diego, CA in October 2005. Workshop details and material
will be found
here and can be downloaded as a pdf file from
Bridging the MS/DSL Tools and the Eclipse Modeling Framework
Jean Bézivin, Guillaume Hillairet, Frédéric Jouault, Ivan Kurtev, William Piers |
Cardinality-Based Feature Modeling and Constraints: A Progress Report
Krzysztof Czarnecki, Chang Hwan Peter Kim
Business Process Platforms and Software Factories
David S. Frankel
Role of Domain Ontologies in Software Factories
Pavel Hruby
Improving MDD Productivity with Software Factories
Benoît Langlois, Jean Barata, Daniel Exertier |
Architecture Analysis in Software Factories
Sandeep Neema, Jason Scott, Gabor Karsai |
Designing and Implementing an HL7 Software Factory
Mauro Regio, Jack Greenfield
Concepts for ModelDriven Design and Evolution
of DomainSpecific Languages
Uwe Zdun
Enterprise business application product line as a model driven software factory
Vinay Kulkarni, Sreedhar Reddy

Greenfield and Keith Short gave a tutorial on Software Factories at
OOPSLA 2004 and JAOO 2004 (http://www.oopsla.org/2004/ShowPage.do?id=Home,